Functionen buttons
Description of all buttons
The mash plan has buttons for editing, moving or deleting a row.
The save button of the mash plan
The Save button in the header of the mash plan table saves the contents of the table to a file (JSON).
The Refresh mash plan button (Reload button)
This function reloads the table from the file. Please note that all unsaved changes (green button) are discarded without prompting. This button has the Exit editor mode function as a second function.
The exit button of the editor
This function is used to exit the editor mode without saving the changes in the mash plan.
The delete button
The Delete button deletes the entire table. Please note that the changes are only saved when you click on Save table (green button).
The + button
The plus button is used to add a new row. Please note that the new row in the table must be accepted by clicking on the blue save symbol in the table row and then the table is saved by clicking on the green save symbol.
The Graph button
The graph button can be used to show or hide the visual display of the temperature curve. In addition, individual graphs can be shown or hidden by clicking on the graph name. The default setting is set to visible.
Tip: If the temperature curve is not interesting, simply click on the green graph button. As soon as the graph is hidden, open the system configuration once and click on Save. This saves the setting Hide/show temperature graph.
The mash plan settings button (database button)
In addition to the mash plan name and the time control, the settings for the mash plan also include the mash plan change, import, export and deletion of mash plans.
The Show mash plan button (Collapse button)
The Show mash plan button has a collapse function: during brewing, the mash plan consumes an unnecessary amount of screen space. With collapse, the mash plan table can be collapsed and expanded.
The show chart button (collapse button)
The Show chart button has a collapse function: during brewing, the chart consumes an unnecessary amount of screen space. With collapse, the chart can be collapsed and expanded. The chart is also updated when collapsed.
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