Support Brautomat
Create a copy of the language file data/language/en.json and rename the file with two characters to a new language file:
Spanish: es.json French: fr.json Danish: dk.json Dutch: nl.json etc.
Translate all words from the colon in each line:
Open the Explorer in the web interface of the Brautomat. Copy the new language file to your Brautomat in the /language folder. Finally, the new language file must be made known to the Brautomat: edit the file /lang.js
For example, if you have added a Spanish language file es.json, then edit the file /lang.js as follows:
Save the file with the key combination Ctrl-S and restart the Brautomat. Now you can select the new language in the WebInterface.
Share a new language file with other users! Send me your language file or your correction.
Last updated