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The integrated logging helps with troubleshooting, both for errors in the Brautomat32 firmware and for user errors. A serial monitor is required for the output. Microsoft Visual Studio Code with the Microsoft Serial Monitor extension is shown below. Microsoft Visual Code is free of charge and available as a stand-alone version (no installation required).
The serial monitor must be set to a baud rate of 115200 and CRLF in addition to the COM port.
Notes: Logging should be completely deactivated on a wedding day. The Logging option is not available on the ESP8266.
Various channels for serial output can be activated via the system settings.
Configuration - messages are displayed in this channel when the configuration is read or saved.
Sensors - messages about the sensors are output in this channel
Actors - a channel for messages about actors
Mash kettle - messages for the first kettle are displayed in this channel
Brew kettle - all messages for the brew kettle
HLT - messages for the HLT kettle
System - system messages are displayed in this channel
Mashing process - the mashing process is logged in this channel
Nextion Display - logging for the display
Each channel has the options Off, Error, Info and Debug.
Off - no logging.
The channel does not output a log to the serial console.
Error - Only errors are logged.
Debug Output Error Log errors. The ERROR type is displayed in red in VSCode.
Info - Log process
Debug outputs of type Info log processes. The Info type contains the outputs of the Error type. In VSCode, the INFO type is displayed in green.
Debug - all available information is output.
Debug outputs of type Verbose contain all previous types. In addition, all SSE broadcasts of type Verbose are logged. The Verbose type is displayed in blue in VSCode.
A sensor error can be triggered via a web URL. The sensors in the Brautomat have an ID starting with 0. A sensor error can be generated via a web call:
To rectify the sensor error, the exact same URL is called up again. The first sensor has the ID 0, the second the ID 1 and the third the ID 2. In the URL, only the last 0 must be replaced by the desired sensor ID.
This sensor error test makes it very easy to check the ‘Behaviour on sensor error’ parameter.